Corfu Car Rental FAQs

On the Corfu Car Rental Terms page, you can find basic information about the terms and conditions that apply to your Car rentals in Corfu.

On this page, you may find answers to further questions. If you can’t find an answer here, feel free to contact us through our contact form.

All availability is updated on our online booking system at discounted rates. Book online now and save.
Yes, we can deliver the rental car to your location. You can select it on the drop-down menu. If your place is not listed, you can select "OTHER" and we will review the possibility of delivery.
Yes, we have infant/baby/child seats suitable for all ages. You can select it on the second step of the online booking process.
You can read all age requirements and insurance restrictions in our website.
Unfortunately, in order to avoid allergy or other issues of future customers, pets are not allowed in our cars.
Our cars are insured for Corfu island area only, thus it is not allowed to ferry them to mainland Greece,other islands or abroad.
When reserving a Car with us, we receive and review your booking. The confirmation will be manually sent to your e-mail and you will also be able to vew the status of your reservation online.
You can extend your rental anytime by phone, e-mail or WhatsApp. Extensions are subject to availability.
In case of accident, you have to call us and we will take over the whole procedure to inform the insurance company and the police if needed. In case there is a need for medical care, you can immediately call 166 for help.
Smoking is not allowed in our cars.. Any damage or ash will cost 60€ for cleening fee.
When a child is too short to use the car's seat belt, you need to use a baby seat. You can find all types of seats durinh the reservation process.
Yes, we accept Visa and Master card. AmEx and Diners are not accepted. Please, note we prefer cash payments on car pick up. In case this is not possible, please notify us.
Yes, you can collect your car and return it in different location.